Plan Your 🚍 Daily Commute To Find Out How Easy You Are To Live With

Plan Your 🚍 Daily Commute To Find Out How Easy You Are To Live With

Our daily commute is one of the most important parts of our everyday routine. Having an easy commute can leave someone feeling pleasant and friendly to others, or an irritable and annoyed person if the commute is long and stressful.

The little clues about your personality, how easy you are to get along with, and the general amount of respect you show others that come out in your daily commute decisions can help us determine how compatible you are with your roommates. Then we can determine how much your roommates enjoy living with you.

Want to find out if you’re a great roommate? Take this quiz to find out. Answer each question as honestly as possible for the most accurate results. You may be surprised by the results of this quiz.

What mode of transportation are you taking on your daily commute?
What mode of transportation are you taking on your daily commute?